Purchasing a car, whether new or used, is a significant milestone. However, it can be a daunting experience when you have bad credit. You may feel anxious and skeptical about applying for a used car auto loan with a low credit score. Fortunately, Auto Action is here to help you easily navigate the financing process. In this blog post, we will highlight what to expect when you apply for a bad credit auto loan and how financing at Auto Action can make the process smoother.
... Read More.Surprising Benefits of Used Car Lots That Finance
There are many ways to get a vehicle financed. Dealerships typically offer to take a buyer’s credit application and submit it to multiple banks in an attempt to get a car loan for the customer. Buyers can go to their bank or credit union and get financing separately from a dealership, as well. However, auto loans with reasonable interest rates and fees can be difficult to get approved for if you are a credit-challenged buyer. But did you know there are used car lots that finance, too?
... Read More.Difference Between a Direct vs Indirect Auto Loan
The world of auto loans can seem confusing when it is time to start looking for a used car. If you are searching for a deal and looking at used cars 500 down in order to keep your costs low, looking at numbers and loan options can be overwhelming. The reality is that you do need to know the basics associated with getting an auto loan in order to make an informed decision. One topic that many first-time car buyers get confused about is the type of loan – direct vs indirect auto loans. Keep reading for a description of each type of loan so you are informed as you search for 500 down used cars.
... Read More.Understanding Car Loan Interest
When looking for used cars 500 down – or any type of used car – it is important to understand the basic elements of purchasing a vehicle. One of the elements of purchasing a vehicle that can be confusing is loan interest. How does interest work on a car loan? This is an important question to ask and get answered before you start visiting buy here pay here dealerships in search of a car.
... Read More.Difference Between Secured and Unsecured Auto Loans
Financial topics can seem intimidating if you do not have experience with a particular topic. If you want to look at 500 down used cars but are concerned that you will not qualify for the right type of loan, you may be dreading the process of trying to get a car. No matter where you are in the process of looking at used cars 500 down, it is important to understand what type of loan you will need when you find the vehicle that is right for you. The two basic loan types are secured loans and unsecured loans. Keep reading for a brief description of each.
... Read More.New Trends in Used Car Buying
There are several benefits to purchasing a used car instead of buying new. However, some people are intimidated by the process of shopping for a used car. Used car buying is not a new concept but, to some, the process has a bad reputation. The good news for you is that the process has changed over time in some positive ways. New trends in used car buying make it easier and more convenient than ever for you to find a used car that works for you.
... Read More.What to Expect if You Have Bad Credit When Applying for An Auto Loan
Bad credit can get in the way of you doing some of the things you need and want to do. If you have bad credit, it can be intimidating to apply for financing and stressful waiting for an answer. One scenario where it can be especially difficult to have bad credit is when you need to buy a car.
... Read More.How to Get a Car Loan After Bankruptcy
There are several different types of bankruptcy in the United States. The two most common types of bankruptcy for an individual are called Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your assets will be sold to pay off creditors and anything that did not get paid off will be forgiven.
... Read More.Buying a Used Car with No Credit or Cosigner
The process of buying a used car can seem intimidating if you are trying to buy a used car with no credit or cosigner. The typical way of buying a used car is not friendly for first-time car buyers because traditional financing is heavily based on credit score. Fortunately, there is another option for getting into a used car even if you are in the category of ‘first-time car buyer no credit.
... Read More.5 Steps to Getting a Car Loan After a Repossession
Sooner or later, we all hit a bump in the road. If that bump affects your income, your credit and you lose your car, as bad as it is, there is hope. Finding auto loans after repossessions is possible. It may take some time, but with a few steps in the right direction, you can bounce back and get a car loan after a repo.
... Read More.